This quote was by Carl Rogers. It took me a minute to realize that Carl was talking about articulating and owning our own self-awareness. In Peppercorn Discovery, the underlying success factor is in helping you articulate and own "Who you are!"
We are complex beings and articulating who we are is an intense journey. We must first be able to find words to describe our personality, ways of thinking, working styles, stressors, leadership abilities, etc. Once we can articulate ourselves, it's easier to own ourselves. However, society puts its own rules on how we should behave, what we should say, and even what path we should be taking. Many people have "3 faces" - a Japanese concept.
One way of being with the world
One way of being with our friends and family
One way of being in our own thoughts
So going back to Carl's quote is he is saying that for each of us if we could openly just "be", that would be good enough for each of us in our own journeys and it would move us away from having "3 faces". It took me about 20 years to integrate all three of my faces to only have one way of being now. It doesn't matter if someone meets me professionally, socially, a stranger, or even my own conversations with myself. I am the same "being".
What are your experiences with having to shift yourself slightly in different situations?
#selfawareness #careercoaching #3faces #carlrogers