What a great conversation we had with Dart Lindsley about "What do you hire your job to do for you?" It's important to be able to answer this question as we move forward in our careers. It helps us be more engaged and fulfilled in our life journey. Dart spoke about how to go about answering this question and provided many real experiences from his own journey.
Two things he mentioned as you start to answer this question:
1. Be specific and
2. Understand what is the product (you) and what is currency you will get paid for
Here is how some of the attendees answered that question when Dart asked the audience.
Please join the conversation and add your own thoughts on this question and how you have gone about figuring out the answers!
Challenge and fun
Making a change
Being part of a team
Personal Development
It gives me a life to enjoy
It gives me challenges to solve
Social impact problem solving
Growth, challenge, shared purpose
Connecting with like-minded people
It helps me grow as a person (as a soul)
Growth, challenge, sense of belonging
Being part of something bigger than yourself
I can express myself intellectually & personally
Keep me motivated and have a great work-life balance
I hire my job to give me deep and meaningful problems to solve
Provide an opportunity to make the world a more wonderful place
Enable me to enrich my life and participate in the advancement of humanity
I do think relationships, learning, professional development, industry trends, expertise, prepare me for the next job :)
I want my job to give me a sense of being part of a team making an impact and helping customers to solve problems they have