REPOST from - Rob Thomas - I bring companies their most valuable asset. I show individuals their most valuable assets so they can use them in their career and business
We are entering an era where professionally it's ALL about the INDIVIDUAL and companies (especially BIG ones) need to know this and make adjustments. The picture illustrates this so well.

For decades (centuries really) people have been molding, conditioning, and changing themselves to suit the companies and large institutions and their bargains/promises and offers.
This all came about from a conversation I was having with a leader who was told in their interview: "you aren't 'googly' enough".
How invalidating, but a real example of how that company expects their suitors to mold/change themselves to 'fit in'.
I am quite certain this is not an isolated case.
My one coaching point to anyone going into an interview is "be YOU, THAT'S what they want to see. If it's not a match then it does not match"
You are uniquely made with a specific design and purpose. You are designed to fill in a need on this planet.
There's nothing wrong with you or your design.
There's nothing to change.
You are NOT broken.
You do you. (Heard this?)
The right opportunities will show up. Trust that.
Candidates know who you are, what you offer, and where you are going. This allows you to be confident and clear when you apply and interview for roles.
Come check out's Discovery program to help you develop your own marketing portfolio and be clear about What's Next! for you!
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