Another great networking idea as we go into the holiday season!

This is about being thankful and truly reconnecting with the individual. Don't send your bio and networking letter just yet. Kindle the relationship a little and then when the time is right make sure to provide your bio so that they have more insights into how they can support your journey to What's Next!
If you need help to build your bio then check out where you are provided support and guidance to articulate your story.
Reposted from Linkedin:
Austin Belcak Help People Land Amazing Jobs Without Applying Online // Need Help With Your Job Search?
Want to supercharge your job search this December? Here’s a killer way to rekindle and grow relationships. You can knock it out in 3 easy steps 👇 1. Make a list of every single person who helped you this year People who leaned in for coffee chats, resume reviews, introductions, referrals, or pieces of advice. 2. Send them an email thanking them for what they did It doesn’t have to be long. Personalization is what matters, be specific about how they helped you. Most importantly, show your gratitude! 3. Send that email to every single person on your list by mid-December You’ll be surprised by how many relationships you rekindle. And with companies hiring like crazy right now? You just might end up with a few referrals.
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