In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial when looking for your next role. One way job seekers have tried to get noticed is by adding the #OpenToWork banner on LinkedIn.
But is it really an effective strategy?
Sarah**, a client at Discovery, was laid off after 15 years at her company. Though accomplished in her field, she lacked experience with social media and modern job search tactics. Sarah decided to add the #OpenToWork banner to her LinkedIn profile, hoping it would lead to more opportunities.
After two months of minimal results, Sarah asked her career coach for guidance. We optimized Sarah's profile and bio* to highlight:
She also learned to use the banner's advanced targeting options. Within weeks, Sarah was discovering roles better suited to her abilities and connecting with more hiring managers.
The banner played a key role in landing her next position.
The #OpenToWork banner used to carry a stigma, seen as desperate by some hiring managers. But its popularity has grown. When used strategically, it can now signal that you're proactively looking.
Don't just set it and forget it. Pair your banner with other efforts, like an "open for opportunities" post sharing your background. Engage with those who engage with you through the banner.
Use targeting options to prioritize showing your banner to recruiters, former colleagues, and other pivotal connections. Avoid an untargeted spray-and-pray approach.
Make sure to optimize your profile and create a bio that showcases who you are, where you are going, and what you offer. Through Discovery we provide the structure and guidance to bring all these peices together.
The #OpenToWork banner can be a valuable job search asset when paired with an optimized profile and selective targeting. Just make sure to use it as one of many strategies to expand your networking and make hiring managers take notice.
Have you used the LinkedIn #OpenToWork banner before?
How effective was it for discovering new job opportunities?
Tell us your thoughts below!
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* Links with a star are only accessible if you have signed up for the free Peppercorn.ai Discovery Platform.
** Names of candidates have been anonymized